Art Gangs
Saturday, March 8, 2025
Walking Loisaida -- ABC No Rio 45 Years Post #5
Le Petit Versailles garden
Three years ago I published Art Worker: Doing Time in the New York Artworld.
There was a second part of that project, another book entire, which remains unpublished. As we work along on the epic “ABC No Rio 45 Years” project upcoming in April, this section of that unrealized book sprang up in a search. It recounts a walk I took with my partner six years ago. It began in the garden run by Peter Cramer and Jack Waters of Allied Productions. Jack is site coordinator for the “45” show. Peter is arranging the wall of artworks that will represent the years the duo ran ABC No Rio. Libertad, mentioned in the text below, is today the director of The Clemente center, a partner in the “45” exposition.
“Get Me Out of Here, Baby”
Soho is nice, white, soft and boozhee. It’s an international tourist district now, and pretty intolerable for one who remembers what it used to be. This open-air shopping mall was trashed during the George Floyd rebellion in 2020, which I can understand. The tiny bunkbed Soho perch I lived in for a year in the ‘70s was only a lookout. I was never a part of that scene. I could tell from the uneasy looks hosts at Soho parties would give me and my friends when we arrived at their cozy lofts. (The lyric above is from the avant-punk band Y Pants.) Where I feel at home in New York City is on the Lower East Side, and when I’m in town I can’t wait to get over there.
On this trip we went straight to the recently established Loisaida Center.
It’s across the street from one of the largest of the LES community gardens, and next door to a serious coffee bar full of glum black-clad computer-wielding white folks. We saw the last of a small exhibition at the Center devoted to the heritage of the Young Lords. 2019 was the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Nuyorican nationalist party. Their example has inspired artists for generations. One group’s project was a working ATM machine which dispenses well-designed and -printed “community money” as a reward for answering some questions about the user’s experience in the community.
“Draw on My Jacket?”
We chatted with (then)-director Libertad Guerra, and ran into Paul Garrin, video artist and internet activist who is working on one of the Loisaida Center’s education projects. They’re picking up the ball from where Gordon Matta-Clark dropped it in ‘78. After a modest lunch at an extortionate price in a place I used to like, we wandered down to Le Petit Versailles garden. The garden is the current project of Jack and Peter, ex-directors of ABC No Rio. The garden was open, but the boys weren’t there.
As we began to worry about the ever-present mosquitoes, a local man popped by. He stood outside on the sidewalk and talked to us for a while. “I’m a Puerto Rican,” he announced, “born and raised in Loisaida.” Now he sweeps up at the barbershop on the corner. He recalled that the World nightclub used to be across the street. Yes, I said. I remember it. He told a story about going to the Paradise Garage, and you could get into the party free if you had a sticker or badge from Keith Haring. So he and a friend went to Keith’s studio in the Cable Building at Broadway and Houston (where I worked also at the East Village Eye), and he asked Keith to draw on the back of his long blue coat, “a duster”. He did. Now the coat is lost – “I don’t know what happened to that coat. It would be worth a lot of money now.”
This kind of conversational experience is not uncommon in Loisaida. People talk to each other, especially us viejos, adjusting with our age and experience to the constantly changing urban surround.
I still see old comrades and acquaintances wandering the subways from time to time. They are their young selves, just like they were, but of course it isn’t them. Maybe there are only so many souls to go round in New York. Some old people peer at me closely. Am I someone they knew who has changed with age, someone from the art scene, or political demonstrations when there weren’t so many people coming out? There aren’t so many of us now.
Young Lords
Juan González, a frequent co-host of Democracy Now!, in front of the group's headquarters on 111th Street ca. 1971. Photo by Hiram Maristany.
The heroic campaigns of the Young Lords were the high tide of late 20th century Puerto Rican activism in New York City. This ethnic nationalist political party was, like their model the Black Panthers, organized along Marxist-Leninist lines. The 50th anniversary was marked during our visit by events at the Loisaida Center and uptown, in East Harlem, El Barrio.
We were fortunate to catch the last of an extended tour of important sites of Young Lords activism marked by large scale photo murals on vinylized canvas. Miguel Luciano led them, carefully explaining each one. Malena took a photo of me as if standing in front of the YL headquarters mural. A stripling young Juan González, then Minister of Education for the YL, is standing in the doorway in that photo [posted above]. Posters are all over the window of that YL HQ. These were made for the anti-colonial movements of the ‘60s. Many were done by Puerto Rican artists specifically for the Young Lords.
Miguel Luciano’s bicycle-mounted artwork “Pimp My Piragua”, 2008 in front of a photo mural by Hiram Maristany, “Boys on Bikes”, East Harlem, c.1971. (The piragua is a shaved ice sugar treat sold from carts like this.)
Juan González is now a professor of journalism, retired from the Daily News, and co-host of the Democracy Now newscast. The late Patti Astor, downtown movie starlet and animator of the Fun Gallery in the ‘80s, wrote in her unpublished memoir that back then Juan was her lover. [FN - Juan] I was surprised to learn that the doyenne of promoting graffiti on canvas was a street fightin’ radical in college. [Astor, ca. 2013]
Luciano’s tour finished up with a curbside talk by Hiram Maristany, the official YL Party photographer. (He also has since passed away.) His photo mural hung above him, on the side of a former public school converted into artists’ housing and a community center. It’s called Artspace P.S. 109. Olivia Beens, artist and one-time Colab-orator is one of the lucky lottery winners living there now in El Barrio.
Loisaida’s Indigenous
The Nuyoricans of Loisaida were inspirational to us. At ABC No Rio we were happy to baptize our new cultural center with performances by some of the stars of that literary movement – Pedro Pietri, Bimbo Rivas and Jorge Brandon.
Jorge Brandon, "El Coco Que Habla," poet, sign-painter, and eminence grise of the Lower East Side. Photo by Bobby G. This appearance by El Coco at our storefront inspired a painting by Bobby, aka Robert Goldman.
El Bohio, a Nuyorican cultural center, was another of the important vectors of cultural life on the LES. The occupied old public school on 9th Street called El Bohio wasn’t a Young Lords project; their actions were all uptown. [FN - Christodora] El Bohio was a project of a group called CHARAS, most of them ex-gang members. [FN – CHARAS] Mayor Rudy evicted them from their 9th Street school building when he sold it in a sideways deal to a real estate crony.
A meeting during the course of our visit recalled that place and time. Billed as a “town hall” on Charas/El Bohio, the event at the Theater for the New City, run under the seal of Manhattan Community Board 3, arts and culture subcommittee, was basically a show with speeches. Vít Hořejš, a Czech puppeteer and theater artist performed. Bimbo Rivas’ niece sang. Some politicians gave speeches, vowing support, then split. Chino Garcia spoke, reminding us that Mayor Bill De Blasio called the sale of El Bohio “an injustice,” and held out the hope it could be restored to the community.
No questions were taken, there was no discussion. It was a theater, after all. One of NYC’s great theater artists, a genuine rabble rouser, was on the bill – Reverend Billy of the Church of Stop Shopping. But the leaders closed the meeting before he performed. He arrived in costume with a sense of bewilderment. Why did this happen? The conveners were all quite elderly. Maybe they felt tired after such exertion, and wanted to get home. Rev. Billy would be too exciting for them. Who knows? Anyhow they pulled the plug. It was unsurprising. In the gentrified barrios of NYC today, there are no young lords left.
On the Roof in the Rain
Some time later, the visual arts group of ABC No Rio held a rooftop meeting at Steven Englander’s co-op apartment house. (It was once a squat.) Beneath a glowering cloud cover with a cold intermittent drizzle, I asked Steven (RIP) why the LES didn’t have a development like P.S. 109, the one we had seen uptown on 99th Street. He said the old-time activists insisted on getting back El Bohio intact, just like it was, and that is why so far they haven’t gotten anything at all.
Is the poignancy of the lost cause really what folks want to hold in their hearts and hands? That ‘town hall’ event holds open a space, or a lack of space, for that dirty, beat down, long-abandoned building that used to be alive. It caresses a wound, which becomes a prominent scar, a cicatrix of a past period of solidarity and convergence.
Close Study
My friend and colleague Yasmin Ramirez was in the thick of the Young Lords commemorative activity. She has been on this beat for years. Not long after I trod the same grounds of research, Yasmin wrote on the Puerto Rican contingent within the Artworkers Coalition, [FN – Yasmin cite] filling out the picture of that formative engine of artists’ political engagement. Both the Studio Museum in Harlem and El Museo del Barrio formed after the Artworkers Coalition.
El Museo was started by Raphael Montañez Ortiz, a renowned Puerto Rican artist known for his performative destruction of pianos. Ortiz enjoyed the early patronage of the Berlin Dadaist Richard Huelsenbeck (d. 1974), who fled the Nazis and lived for years in New York working as a psychiatrist under the name of Charles R. Hulbeck. (Reminder: There were Nazis all over the USA during the war; the feds didn’t round them up and intern them for the duration like the Brits did.)
Raphael Montañez Ortiz chopping away for his "Ritual Piano Destruction Concert" in LA in 2017. Photo
Busting up pianos is a favorite shock performance tactic among the artists of Fluxus. The Emily Harvey Foundation, our venue of the “ABC 45 Years” show next month, is the historic seat of the movement in Soho. It’s in a Fluxhouse that George Maciunas set up.
Not Artists, No. Revolutionaries!
The Young Lords weren’t artists. Theirs was a political organization contemporaneous with the artists’ organizations. The YL was then and has remained a touchstone and inspiration to generations of Puerto Rican artists and intellectuals. I was impressed by a show Yasmin and Holly Block (another ex-Colab person, RIP) had organized at the Bronx Museum and El Museo – “¡Presente! The Young Lords in New York” (2015) – and tried to get the show to Madrid. (No luck; a lost colony should also be gone from memory, I guess.) This time around, the hometown effort had expanded with foundation support and a new venue, the Loisaida Center, in the LES itself, run by Yasmin’s former colleague.
Yasmin also co-organized a retrospective of Martin Wong’s art (d. 1999) for the Bronx museum a year earlier. She wrote an essay on Martin’s collaboration with Miguel Piñero (d. 1988). They met at the “Crime Show” at ABC No Rio, in 1982, the only group show organized by an artist of color, John Spencer, during our tenure at the space. Josh Gosciak and I put a painting by the Chino-Latino artist on the cover of our literary anthology A Day in the Life (Autonomedia, 1990).
Piñero was the most successful of the Nuyorican poets. He wrote Short Eyes in 1974, a hit play made a film in ‘77, and later wrote for the Miami Vice TV show. He was a junkie to the end. He hung out at Rick Van Valkenberg’s nightclub Neither Nor, along with numerous jazz musicians. I don’t know that he ever declaimed at ABC No Rio. (There’s a tape of him at the Magic Gallery in ‘84 which MWF Video distributed.) Bobby G ran into him one day on Rivington Street, reeling along in a daze. Bobby told the coffee shop owner, “That’s a famous Nuyorican poet!” The man replied, “He’s a bum.”
Miguel Piñero Poetry Reading at Magic Gallery (18 minutes)
Sorry, it's from a book draft. Old school, no links.
[FN – Juan] Juan González recalls his Young Lord days in a 2005 interview with Lillian Jiménez. He describes the convergence of Puerto Rican activists and SDS (Students for a Democratic Society) during the time of the Columbia strike and occupation in 1968. Patti was in SDS. (“Interview with Juan Gonzalez: His Road to the Young Lords,” posted at; accessed July 2020.)
[FN – Christodora] The Christodora building, which abuts El Bohio, was in fact occupied during the late 1960s by the Black Panthers, who then turned it over to the community. See “House Magic” zine #6, 2014.
[FN – CHARAS] The CHARAS group (the name is an acronym of the founders) came out of the Lower East Side gang scene in the 1960s. The huge school building was abandoned, falling apart, and they wanted to save it as a community center. They had already been squatting, working with Adopt-A-Building housing group, and starting community gardens with Liz Christy. (Plaza Cultural is the large garden on 9th Street; Gordon Matta-Clark was slated to work there before his death.) “When you did ask [the City] for permission, they gave you the runaround.” So they squatted it, a clear inspiration for the Real Estate Show in turn. Two days before leaving office, Mayor Rudy Giuliani ordered El Bohio evicted. Their $5 million building fund reverted to the City. (See “The Reminiscences of Carlos “Chino” Garcia,” downloaded at New York Preservation Archive Project, April 2020.)
The CHARAS group’s move into community organizing paralleled the careers of other U.S. gangs, like the original Chicago Young Lords. The moment when these groups of delinquents could enter the public sphere was created by the Lyndon Johnson-era War on Poverty program. Rebecca Zorach describes this work in her book, “Art for People's Sake: Artists and Community in Black Chicago, 1965–1975” (Duke University Press, 2019). John M. Hagedorn, most recently in “The Insane Chicago Way: The Daring Plan by Chicago Gangs to Create a Spanish Mafia” (2015) was among an emergent wave of progressive gang researchers whose researches push back against the demonizations coincident with the Reagan-era “war on drugs.”
[FN – Yasmin cite] Yasmin wrote for the East Village Eye. (Papers of the publication have been acquired by the NYPL.). She later went to graduate school at CUNY-GC, and our times there overlapped. She wrote “Nuyorican Vanguards: Political Actions/Poetic Visions, A History of Puerto Rican artists in New York, 1964-1984” (PhD, CUNY, 2005).
Sunday, February 16, 2025
“Too Much Death” ABC No Rio 45 Years Post #4
This is the fourth post on the process of preparing the “ABC No Rio 45 Years” exposition, planned for the Emily Harvey Foundation in April of ‘25. Problems have arisen. They are technical, organizational, and, finally, emotional. Two important people have died: Steven Englander, director of ABC for 26 years, and Walter Robinson, an original member of the Committee for the Real Estate Show, and the Colab group. Creative production often hinges on key individuals. In a sense, our metaphysical building has been hit by two powerful blasts….
“Too much death,” he says. And so there is. Too much of endings, of collapsing supports, of anguish and crying. Open lament, in the world, and deep sorrows hidden away in our bedrooms. Our pillows are soaked with tears. In faraway hospitals they mop up blood, and spread disinfectant on piles of bodies which are made too fast to be buried. Feelings of bereavement are generalized.
As well as the most violent public massacre we have seen in the West in many a lifetime, there is all over the world now the smell of impendinig disaster. Will it be war or revolution? The most powerful government in the world is being devoured by fat happy worms, nihilists in charge. And the very structures that exist to sustain it are at this moment powerless to protect it.
Mr. Fish at
The nightmare is like the customers held hostage in a diner by a maniac with a grenade. “You try something, I pull the pin and we all die.”
“Resist to exist”
The strategies of resistance which marginalized people have used in democracies for all my lifetime don’t work if the democracies themselves are failing. When the people are gone from the streets and only wolves remain, carnivals are not possible.
You can caper and rant and sing as much as you like, but they don’t want to watch. They don’t want only a bone. They want to rip your flesh, cause you pain, and watch you die in prison or, why not?, right here in front of your house.
That’s what we’re feeling like. “We” meaning me. Speaking to you. As if you could do anything about it. As if you could come back inside the house, lock the door, close the windows, and make breakfast.
Still from "The Fifth Seal" ("Az ötödik pecsét" dir. Zoltán Fábri), a 1976 Hungarian film set during the Nazi regime. In Budapest in 1944, a watchmaker, a book seller and a carpenter are drinking in a bar with the owner, when they are joined by a stranger.
More Sleepless Nights
What you, me, we, can do is “art” about it. It’s what we’ve been up to all these many years, 45 in all, since the founding of ABC No Rio. There has never been, will never be a better moment to do that than now.
In what feels like the twilight of liberal democracy in the USA, in a city where the light shone most brightly, down the corridors of the long streets of Midtown, as the sun’s final fading bit of warmth falls upon us… We shall face the past, and shape it like an arrow to go forward.
Easy to say. But when the #ABCNoRio45Years project of representing and reconstructing creative positivity is riven with abstentions and conflicts, when begging folks from afar isn’t working, and things for too many people only seem to get worse –
”You've got to ac-cent-tchu-ate the positive
E-lim-i-nate the negative
Latch on to the affirmative
Don't mess with Mr. In-Between
You've got to spread joy up to the maximum
Bring gloom down to the minimum
Have faith, or pandemonium
Liable to walk upon the scene”
-- lyrics by Johnny Mercer, 1945, when the USA was killing fascists, not electing them
Exiting the Quandary
For the #ABCNoRio45Years project, it’s a more direct question. How can we… face up to the past and make it medicine for the future?
Fly Orr, "Future Farmacuticals Box Set" (2018)
What seemed to bother many ABC people within ABC today was the totality of the concept – the timeline, all the years crowding together in one room, putting one event against another unrelated, each artwork in competition with the another on the wall nearby. So, well, it’s 45 years, how else you gonna do it?
The key to that problem (IMHO) is to be aware of the arbitrary nature of event time as it is expressed in western institutions, and how that works against subaltern culture.
It’s hard for me to forget the timeline of Rammellzee’s career at a 2018 exhibition with its year-long holes, which in the context became aporias. Was he drugged out during those years?, or what? No, Ramm was just out of the running in the market during the years when “graffiti art” was no longer fashionable and the market for it tanked. The art institution recapitulates the art market, just as (Whig) history recapitulates (mainstream) journalism.
Decolonize Me, Before I Kill Again
At this point in our thinking, we sure could use a little dose of Decolonize Colonic – which I take from this rich text by a young artist and scholar, Youssoupha Féhé Sarr. He contrasts the immobilization and freezing imperatives of western institutional archives, museums and schools as against a conception of time within orality which “is inscribed in its movement… and thereby fulfils its circularity and inclusiveness.”
Meeting in Dakar. photo by Anna Karima Wane
It’s death we fear, and death we try to deal with by remembering, monumentalizing, archiving, institutionalizing. In the west. In the “former west”. And death has been happening to our crew since we have set out on this travel.
We and all our works are seeds, and we will pass, but we will also be coming back and in many forms.
This archival display project, this #ABC45Years is as it must be, a way forward. A way, in Sarr’s words, to be “cunning” with our “archival apparatuses”, to endow them with “a flexibility and fluidity that allows one to remain in motion. One does not fight against oblivion…. But above all, it is accepted; for it is indeed oblivion itself that makes it possible to have, individually and collectively, sufficient space to welcome irreversible renewal.”
Adelante juntos, semillas inolvidables.
"too much death
Colin Moynihan, "Steven Englander, Leader of an Outsider Art Outpost, Dies at 63", Dec. 23, 2024
As director of the fiercely independent cultural center ABC No Rio, he led the battle to halt its eviction and later raised money to build a new home for the organization.
Deborah Solomon, "Walter Robinson, Exuberant Art-World Participant and Observer, Dies at 74", Feb. 14, 2025
A painter who took his subjects from pop culture, he was also the founding editor of and chronicled the rise of the SoHo art scene in the 1970s. [And a member of Colab, who showed and played often at ABC No Rio.]
Resist to Exist 2023! Germany Biggest DIY Festival in Punk, Ska, Hardcore, Rap
Catholics "not like Vance” – next to go, at 88 y.o., a text on Pope Francis
“Building Universal Fraternity: A Utopian Chimera”
“Positivity 2” – Technical, Oh-So-Learned Career Positivity
(You can still do this in the EU, at least until the grant runs out)
Antje Daniel & Dieter Neubert, “Development as Utopia? Road to a Better Future Between Fiction and Lived Utopian Practice”
Pages 189-209 | Published online: 19 Feb 2024
LM Petersen, “Redistributive Solidarity? Exploring the Utopian Potential of …” yadda yadda
Sage Journals › abs
de · 2023 · Citado por 3 — “We explore the possibility of redistributive solidarity, arguing that unconditional and universal redistribution may be a means of furthering the recognition…” Sure.
“Positivity 3” – Living in the Clouds (not the Metaverse)
Charming Utopian AI "slop" at
And some more of this beeswax
"Knowledge always win in the end, but not unless and until it is known." – Professor John McMurtry
which is not to say that it is, at its root, undeniably true, correct and devoutly-to-be-wished-for. But the recent coining of the word “scholasticide” shows the outlook is not promising.
The Work of Rammellzee
On the occasion of a career-spanning exhibition at Red Bull Arts New York....
FORMER WEST (2008–2016)
This online platform makes publicly accessible the FORMER WEST research trajectory (2008–2016) archive, including an extensive video-archive of lectures, interviews, research gatherings, seminars, and exhibitions.
search term = “facing the past fear of archives”
Youssoupha Féhé Sarr (translated from the French Senegal by Adeena Mey), “The Archive and Time. Leaving the Fear of Oblivion”
“Too much death,” he says. And so there is. Too much of endings, of collapsing supports, of anguish and crying. Open lament, in the world, and deep sorrows hidden away in our bedrooms. Our pillows are soaked with tears. In faraway hospitals they mop up blood, and spread disinfectant on piles of bodies which are made too fast to be buried. Feelings of bereavement are generalized.
As well as the most violent public massacre we have seen in the West in many a lifetime, there is all over the world now the smell of impendinig disaster. Will it be war or revolution? The most powerful government in the world is being devoured by fat happy worms, nihilists in charge. And the very structures that exist to sustain it are at this moment powerless to protect it.
Mr. Fish at
The nightmare is like the customers held hostage in a diner by a maniac with a grenade. “You try something, I pull the pin and we all die.”
“Resist to exist”
The strategies of resistance which marginalized people have used in democracies for all my lifetime don’t work if the democracies themselves are failing. When the people are gone from the streets and only wolves remain, carnivals are not possible.
You can caper and rant and sing as much as you like, but they don’t want to watch. They don’t want only a bone. They want to rip your flesh, cause you pain, and watch you die in prison or, why not?, right here in front of your house.
That’s what we’re feeling like. “We” meaning me. Speaking to you. As if you could do anything about it. As if you could come back inside the house, lock the door, close the windows, and make breakfast.
Still from "The Fifth Seal" ("Az ötödik pecsét" dir. Zoltán Fábri), a 1976 Hungarian film set during the Nazi regime. In Budapest in 1944, a watchmaker, a book seller and a carpenter are drinking in a bar with the owner, when they are joined by a stranger.
More Sleepless Nights
What you, me, we, can do is “art” about it. It’s what we’ve been up to all these many years, 45 in all, since the founding of ABC No Rio. There has never been, will never be a better moment to do that than now.
In what feels like the twilight of liberal democracy in the USA, in a city where the light shone most brightly, down the corridors of the long streets of Midtown, as the sun’s final fading bit of warmth falls upon us… We shall face the past, and shape it like an arrow to go forward.
Easy to say. But when the #ABCNoRio45Years project of representing and reconstructing creative positivity is riven with abstentions and conflicts, when begging folks from afar isn’t working, and things for too many people only seem to get worse –
”You've got to ac-cent-tchu-ate the positive
E-lim-i-nate the negative
Latch on to the affirmative
Don't mess with Mr. In-Between
You've got to spread joy up to the maximum
Bring gloom down to the minimum
Have faith, or pandemonium
Liable to walk upon the scene”
-- lyrics by Johnny Mercer, 1945, when the USA was killing fascists, not electing them
Exiting the Quandary
For the #ABCNoRio45Years project, it’s a more direct question. How can we… face up to the past and make it medicine for the future?
Fly Orr, "Future Farmacuticals Box Set" (2018)
What seemed to bother many ABC people within ABC today was the totality of the concept – the timeline, all the years crowding together in one room, putting one event against another unrelated, each artwork in competition with the another on the wall nearby. So, well, it’s 45 years, how else you gonna do it?
The key to that problem (IMHO) is to be aware of the arbitrary nature of event time as it is expressed in western institutions, and how that works against subaltern culture.
It’s hard for me to forget the timeline of Rammellzee’s career at a 2018 exhibition with its year-long holes, which in the context became aporias. Was he drugged out during those years?, or what? No, Ramm was just out of the running in the market during the years when “graffiti art” was no longer fashionable and the market for it tanked. The art institution recapitulates the art market, just as (Whig) history recapitulates (mainstream) journalism.
Decolonize Me, Before I Kill Again
At this point in our thinking, we sure could use a little dose of Decolonize Colonic – which I take from this rich text by a young artist and scholar, Youssoupha Féhé Sarr. He contrasts the immobilization and freezing imperatives of western institutional archives, museums and schools as against a conception of time within orality which “is inscribed in its movement… and thereby fulfils its circularity and inclusiveness.”
Meeting in Dakar. photo by Anna Karima Wane
It’s death we fear, and death we try to deal with by remembering, monumentalizing, archiving, institutionalizing. In the west. In the “former west”. And death has been happening to our crew since we have set out on this travel.
We and all our works are seeds, and we will pass, but we will also be coming back and in many forms.
This archival display project, this #ABC45Years is as it must be, a way forward. A way, in Sarr’s words, to be “cunning” with our “archival apparatuses”, to endow them with “a flexibility and fluidity that allows one to remain in motion. One does not fight against oblivion…. But above all, it is accepted; for it is indeed oblivion itself that makes it possible to have, individually and collectively, sufficient space to welcome irreversible renewal.”
Adelante juntos, semillas inolvidables.
"too much death
Colin Moynihan, "Steven Englander, Leader of an Outsider Art Outpost, Dies at 63", Dec. 23, 2024
As director of the fiercely independent cultural center ABC No Rio, he led the battle to halt its eviction and later raised money to build a new home for the organization.
Deborah Solomon, "Walter Robinson, Exuberant Art-World Participant and Observer, Dies at 74", Feb. 14, 2025
A painter who took his subjects from pop culture, he was also the founding editor of and chronicled the rise of the SoHo art scene in the 1970s. [And a member of Colab, who showed and played often at ABC No Rio.]
Resist to Exist 2023! Germany Biggest DIY Festival in Punk, Ska, Hardcore, Rap
Catholics "not like Vance” – next to go, at 88 y.o., a text on Pope Francis
“Building Universal Fraternity: A Utopian Chimera”
“Positivity 2” – Technical, Oh-So-Learned Career Positivity
(You can still do this in the EU, at least until the grant runs out)
Antje Daniel & Dieter Neubert, “Development as Utopia? Road to a Better Future Between Fiction and Lived Utopian Practice”
Pages 189-209 | Published online: 19 Feb 2024
LM Petersen, “Redistributive Solidarity? Exploring the Utopian Potential of …” yadda yadda
Sage Journals › abs
de · 2023 · Citado por 3 — “We explore the possibility of redistributive solidarity, arguing that unconditional and universal redistribution may be a means of furthering the recognition…” Sure.
“Positivity 3” – Living in the Clouds (not the Metaverse)
Charming Utopian AI "slop" at
And some more of this beeswax
"Knowledge always win in the end, but not unless and until it is known." – Professor John McMurtry
which is not to say that it is, at its root, undeniably true, correct and devoutly-to-be-wished-for. But the recent coining of the word “scholasticide” shows the outlook is not promising.
The Work of Rammellzee
On the occasion of a career-spanning exhibition at Red Bull Arts New York....
FORMER WEST (2008–2016)
This online platform makes publicly accessible the FORMER WEST research trajectory (2008–2016) archive, including an extensive video-archive of lectures, interviews, research gatherings, seminars, and exhibitions.
search term = “facing the past fear of archives”
Youssoupha Féhé Sarr (translated from the French Senegal by Adeena Mey), “The Archive and Time. Leaving the Fear of Oblivion”
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
ABC No Rio 45 Years #3 – “We’ve been working on the timeline, all the live long day…”
Fly Orr in the ABC No Rio Zine Library, before 2016 (building demolished)
This is the third post about the preparation of the “ABC No Rio 45 Years” exhibition to take place at the Emily Harvey Foundation in April of ‘25. To prepare , a group got to work on a timeline of the place and its activities. This proved a big task, and it will still be going on when the show opens in April. This post gets into the weeds over archival stuff, online databases, and the like. But the first product representing the vast occluded history of ABC No Rio is already online.
Marco Lanier is an archivist already working with Allied Productions, a partner on the “ABC 45” project. Marco took on the task of preparing the timeline. He put together a 125+-page – and growing – document of all the events he could find that took place at ABC No Rio from 1980 to 2024.
An impossible timeline…
by Marco Lanier
As part of the ABC No Rio 45 Years exhibition, I was tapped to create a chronology representing ABC No Rio’s expansive 45 years of activity. Those even vaguely familiar with the space will understand how difficult this task could be! How could one possibly encapsulate ABC through a rational sequencing of events? Conceived as a tool to guide and inform the exhibition’s collective curation, I sought to reconcile this tension and do my best to build a generative tool that would fulfill this purpose and contribute to any number of potential future projects.
In the early days of the project, as we were trying to figure out what the timeline might look like, I began to speculate on where it could go. I wanted a tool that was flexible, extensible, manipulable, and open to additions or edits. I was curious how the data I created as part of this work could be used to create a digital timeline or form the basis, down the road, for some kind of archival database or access platform (something like The Kitchen’s On File platform).
Thanks to David Potocnik, we have a digital timeline in the works – that’s up in beta form, and we are continuing to discuss ways to make this a friendlier tool despite our limited resources. The timeline, in the end, is a spreadsheet, filled with hundreds of entries that can be manipulated and rendered into various text-based and digital formats.
I oriented my research for the timeline towards archival collections spread across NYC. I wanted to know where the material history of ABC No Rio ended up, why and which materials made it to different archives, and how this related to the history of ABC itself.
In the end, I spent time combing through collections at MoMA, NYU’s Fales and Tamiment collections, Allied Productions’ archives, and ABC No Rio’s archives at The Clemente center. This process was arduous and manual, consisting of numerous research visits, pages of notes, dozens of accumulated photographs, and hours synthesizing this information into timeline entries.
Photo by Marco Lanier
ABC’s archives at the Clemente remain the most complete record of the space’s activity–though access was impeded for many months due to an elevator install and asbestos removal. Despite this, the archive is not lethargic. The recent and ongoing work of Scout, Claudia, Gavin, Steven (rest in power), and other volunteers to care for the zine and archive collections has preserved a pretty clear picture of ABC’s history.
This timeline is missing a lot! But we hope to open it up to the ABC community through the exhibition, giving space for folks to collectively contribute their own experiences and stories into No Rio’s historical record. Thanks to David, the digital timeline will also offer those outside of New York a chance to engage with the exhibition. My hope is that the tool will offer infrastructure for future digital, historical, and archival projects at ABC No Rio. FINIS
Hanging Out in the Library
Claudia and Scout had been working in the Zine Library at ABC, a project which the late Steven Englander always held close. The “exile” office where he worked during the long years waiting for the new building construction to begin, is in the Clemente. That is a large cultural center with theaters, galleries, and many artists studios. Steven’s office there is stuffed with shelves of boxes of zines, which volunteers have been working with for years. As the new director, Gavin Marcus recalled, this was also an opportunity for people to hang out with Steven and listen to his stories.
Photo by Marco Lanier; drawing by Matthew Courtney
The Zine Library is a long-running project. It “began in the Spring of 1998,” the website relates, “when we rescued the Blackout Zine Library from a squat in the South Bronx which was to be evicted. Since then numerous individuals have donated their personal collections, and zine editors and publishers regularly send us issues.”
Foreign Content
I collect European squatting materials for the Interference Archive, and recently I sent a batch of zines to ABC as well. I sent some political zines, like the crusty @quedate_en_madrid (Stay in Madrid), which blasts local right-wing politicos.
“Quedate en Madrid” caricatures Madrid's rightwing mayor, a big evictor of social centers. He's wearing an Aznar t-shirt
The zine scene is popping in Spain. (I blogged about this in “Occupations & Properties”, events that took place in occupied social centers.) The gal who calls herself a “Punk con Cabeza” tables every week at Madrid’s rastro, the flea market. She’s strictly old school, with no online presence. She bangs out new copies of old Spanish punk zines from all over the country on a photocopy machine, and virtually gives them away at the anarchist book fairs here. I grabbed a bunch last year.
Punk is a very strong subculture in Spain. The MACBA museum in Barcelona did a show of it in '16 (the catalogue is online in ESP and ENG, URL in links below).
Hanging on Strings, Most Likely
Of course there will be zines in the “ABC 45” show. Folks who have worked in the ABC Zine Library have already organized shows of the collection in other venues, like "Zines+ and the World of ABC No Rio" at the Center for Book Arts in 2014. ABC regularly tables at events, like the East Village Zine Fair 2024 organized by Printed Matter on St Marks (they have now closed), and the 8-Ball Community. ABC has tabled every NYC Anarchist Book Fair.
Fly Orr (@fly_peops), an ABC No Rio’stalwart during the squatting era, has achieved some renown with her zine work. Her collection of zines is in the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis, and her papers have gone to Columbia University.
It’s All There & It’s All Been Done
This “ABC 45 Years” show is conceived around the timeline. I imagined it would flow around the walls, like in a natural history museum, with different colors for different streams of activity. The artwork and artifacts of ABC’s colorful history would plug into it along the way. “What would that look like?” Marco wondered.
Artisanal: timeline pasteup
I spent last summer printing out and pasting up the provisional timeline Marco had prepared, that huge listing of events and incidents of all types – art shows, poetry readings, film and video screenings, eviction orders, demonstrations, monies raised, punk music concerts, anarchist book sales, silkscreen workshop, darkroom, full-building art shows called “Ides of March”, annual “haunted house” for kids….
We certainly missed quite a lot, maybe even most of it. Many years were entirely blank.
It’s not clear how it will look on the wall in the end. There will be a large format un-bound book which will have the timeline of a year on one page with the facing page blank for adding notations on-site, and pasting in photos and mailed-in art and what not.
How to Get the Stuff
The problem of assembling such a timeline/scrapbook for our “ABC 45 Years” show, to basically expand the timeline, is how to get those paste-ins for the big book? Mail art can be the answer. It was a key activity of the Fluxus movement, which the Emily Harvey gallery supported, and the foundation continues to exhibit. Mary Campbell, one of the Day de Dada performance group, has produced numerous mail art events. They’re part of the international neo-Fluxus movement. Our exhibition venue, Emily Harvey Foundation, arose from the classic movement. So we turned to Mary to design a mail art project.
All This History Shit
The first organizing group for the “ABC 45” project dissolved in disenchantment with the historical project itself. Playing with history has become so much a part of contemporary art practice in recent years I forgot not everyone is into it.
I know the historical project is suspicious; it’s inherently fraudulent, to timeline a project as dynamic as ABC No Rio. As Stefan Tanaka writes in “History Without Chronology”, "history must embrace the richness and variability of different times that exist throughout our lives, [which] are evident in nonmodern societies and historical writings about them.... To conflate time and chronology is to succumb to what Michel de Certeau calls an alibi — to make ‘use of time without reflecting on it’ ”.
We can’t just wine and dine Chronos without giving due attention to Kairos.
Still, timeline organization has explanatory value. For people who don’t know ABC to get a picture of what this “anti-institution”, this self-constituted and self-sustained center of the “culture of resistance”, has been and will be – the past of the place needs to be told. The overall project of ABC No Rio needs situating historically not only as an art and entertainment venue, but as the outcome of a global militant movement of occupation for cultural and political provision – called, variously, “squatting”, “occupation”, and “commonsing”.
The often valorized Lower East Side commonsing movement is not jusut the squats and their present-day low-income co-op owners (some ex-squatters) – it’s also the activity centers – ABC No Rio, MoRUS, Bullet Space, La Plaza Cultural. That last, as the MoRUS museum serves to remind, is an outcome of the “avant-gardening” of public green space. All of it was and is DIY, and done well.
The Architect’s Newspaper, “ABC No Rio is moving back to 156 Rivington Street”, 8 ago 2024 The new 4-story building will have galleries, a kitchen, offices, a darkroom for photographers, a print shop, a zine library, a computer lab, a rooftop garden, ...
ABC No Rio Zine Library
"Zines+ and the World of ABC No Rio"
Fly archive at Columbia
Ian Karp, “Rebel voice: Inside the Fly Zine Archive, a chronicle of punk, queer, and DIY counterculture”, July 29, 2021
"PUNK. Its Traces in Contemporary Art" - MACBA Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona, 2016 › exhibitions
Catalogue PDF at
Day de Dada performance group website
Posts Tagged ‘mail art’
Stefan Tanaka, “History without Chronology”, 2019
Not all paper: "Rubble with a Cause", jarred 2006
Thursday, January 16, 2025
“ABC No Rio 45 Years”
Sleepless Nights Far from Home
An occasional blog on the jobs of organizing “ABC No Rio 45 Years” for April of 2025. Second post, in which the producer succumbs to 3a.m. despair, then pulls himself together by remembering the hard travel road that led us to here.
A Blowout on the Concept Level
Yes, it’s AI. “A dark room in which there is an old chair on which a tired [old] man sits, burning photographs and papers, on the floor puddles displaying a trace, on the window Cloudy”
The committee which was organizing the “ABC No Rio 45 Years” exhibition has dissolved. This shit is now up in the air. The two of us who conceived this project for April at the Emily Harvey Foundation have been thrown back on our own resources.
I’m having sleepless nights on this, with an anxiety that mounts commensurate with that of others’. We can’t be waiting for someone to sort it all out – a “Jim Dandy to the rescue”, no. The leader of ABC for the last near-30 years has left the building. And I do so miss his deep knowledge and sharp intelligence.
The problem with this project, a synoptic history of the culture of ABC No Rio in one tiny room, is that it can’t be true. To be true it would have to be Borgesian, a map the size of the territory, or years of Groundhog Days, whole lives lived over.
I can’t blame those guys for bailing out. It’s reasonable that no artist would want any part of constructing histories. Diogenes’ lamp is a heavy burden.
The Duty to Organize
Still, in the settler English manner, we gotta and we gonna muddle through.
The walls of the exhibition are fairly pretty clear now. The show is about the place, the building, what we wanted and what we got. And all that went on there. As I learned during researches in Andrea Callard’s Colab files, there was disagreement within our late ‘70s Colab group about having a space, a place to do shows and mount projects. Even then the burden of maintenance was viewed by many as a distraction from the job of creation and making art.
In the end, after the “Real Estate Show” occupation of one ideal space for artists to work in – which we couldn’t have, they said, I guess because it was better to become an enormous luxury shopping center which it is today – the City of New York gave us a vacant rundown storefront. And so it all began….
The artist activists who took over in the place we started and called ABC No Rio went through a similar crisis in the later ‘80s. They were the third wave of users. Under heavy pressure from the City to take back the building that had been so unwisely ceded years before, a bunch of ABC folks decided to pack up and leave.
We’re Out of Here
Thus began the caravan phase of ex cathedra ABC history, in which a band of folks toured around the region bringing their punkified creative presences to the people. A sort of Magical Mystery Tour for the Reagan era, an adventure experiment in chaosmosis, vaguely alluded to in Fly’s 1998 book Chronic Riot Spasm from Autonomedia.
The local punks back home, however, the Loisaiders, didn’t want to let go of the only venue they had for making noise and moshing. So they held on…
Soon the 156 Rivington building was squatted. “No, we won’t leave.” Don’t care about your court order. That made eviction a serious project for the City during a time when there were a good score of similar squatted buildings throughout the Lower East Side.
We The People Won’t Go sign on a Lower East Side squat c/o Amy Starecheski (at
Then Steven Englander came in (came back, actually), an experienced squatter “war leader”. I remember walking into the place during those days. Steven was sitting in the front room with Frank Morales and Seth Tobocman. All of them had taken arrests during building defense actions. It was an intense meeting.
Thanks to Resistance, ABC Is Still Here...
It would be great if cities allowed their citizens to take constructive actions to better their circumstances, to gather, to hang out, to make art, music, culture, in places and times of their choosing. Even better if they could be allowed to improve their basic living conditions by themselves and with each other. But the urban worlds of neoliberal capitalism are not Who-ville. Control must be maintained, control by law and control by dollars.
Struggle, and Incredible Persistence…
Not always. And not in the case of ABC No Rio. But money will have its way. The building was decrepit. To be in the basement during the “punk matinees”, when hardcore music by some band from out of town was playing upstairs, and the floor was literally bouncing up and down was architecturally educational.
The floor of ABC No Rio, in a photo on the Wikipedia page. As I recall, it was painted by Vandana Jain.
In ‘97 the City said, “You can have the building, but you have to fix it.” And so began the “long march” through the halls of capital, the raising of the money to – well, the building could not be fixed. It had to be torn down and rebuilt – keep ABC No Rio an alive thing.
A capital campaign is an entirely different animal than organizing to fight the cops on the street. But Steven managed it, bringing the long-standing, long-suffering, incredible anti-institution he was leading to the point of reconstruction.
A Great Story
That’s a great story, and it has been often told. Most recently and most lucidly in architect Nandini Bagchee’s text Counter Institutions: Activist Estates of the Lower East Side (2018).
There is a museum in NYC dedicated to that period, when squatters tried/failed/succeeded to hang onto homes for themselves and spaces for culture in the Lower East Side, and gardeners fought to hold their flowering plots in vacant lots. It’s called MoRUS – the Museum of Reclaimed Urban Space.
MoRUS has a permanent display commemorating that resistance, and the Critical Mass bicycle organizing, which led Mayor Bloomberg to finally make NYC bike-friendly like so many European capitals.
Around the corner from MoRUS, at East 9th Street and Avenue C is La Plaza Cultural, a large open community garden named for Armando Perez, one of the CHARAS group which ran the nearby boarded-up public school that was once a major Loisaida social center – El Bohio.
Lash LaRue Mayor Rudy succeeded in putting the Big Kabosh on that place in ‘01. Debilitated DeBlasio didn’t dare to bring it back. And Adams… well. So Loisaida’s biggest public cultural center has been empty all these years. And ABC No Rio has been raising money all these years.
A Hopeless Task
But it’s only part of the story we seek to tell in April at the Emily Harvey Foundation. What woke me up so early this morning was hearing in my mind’s ear the soundscape of those days, the water pouring into the bucket from the broken plumbing in the earliest days, the junkies breaking the wall to get in (actually, we didn’t hear that), and squabbling over drugs in the hallway. The COMA jams of aleatory sounds, the poetry of Amiri Baraka and Miguel Piñero. Food Not Bombs banging pots and pans. Sweeping, shoveling, cleaning up beer bottles. Keys clicking in the computer lab and the zine library. Winchester Chimes’ rhyming declamations at Matthew Courtney’s open mic. Punk thrash from Washington, D.C. Musicians setting up and breaking down. Artists taking a look and taking notes. Curious internationals wandering by. “Can we come in?” The silence of the house cat moving through the hallways.
It’s too much to show, but we’ll try. It’s too late to back out now.
“ABC No Rio 45 Years” at the Emily Harvey Foundation, 537 Broadway, 2nd Floor April 2025
ABC No Rio history on WikiP
Museum of Reclaimed Urban Space
Around the corner at East 9th Street and Avenue C is La Plaza Cultural
“Squatters of the Lower East Side” (2019) on 99percent Invisible website
Audio of 22 minutes; text and photos
Producer Delaney Hall spoke with Dr. Amy Starecheski, author of "Ours to Lose: When Squatters Became Homeowners in New York City". The episode also featured oral history interviews, conducted by Amy Starecheski, with former squatters Maggie Wrigley and Peter Spagnuolo. Thanks to Paul DeRienzo for recordings of the 1988 Tompkins Square Park riot and to WNYC for additional archival tape. Thanks also to Dr. Alexander Vasudevan, author of The Autonomous City.
This is the wall, broken up by doors and openings, which awaits this part of the story to be shown
A Blowout on the Concept Level
Yes, it’s AI. “A dark room in which there is an old chair on which a tired [old] man sits, burning photographs and papers, on the floor puddles displaying a trace, on the window Cloudy”
The committee which was organizing the “ABC No Rio 45 Years” exhibition has dissolved. This shit is now up in the air. The two of us who conceived this project for April at the Emily Harvey Foundation have been thrown back on our own resources.
I’m having sleepless nights on this, with an anxiety that mounts commensurate with that of others’. We can’t be waiting for someone to sort it all out – a “Jim Dandy to the rescue”, no. The leader of ABC for the last near-30 years has left the building. And I do so miss his deep knowledge and sharp intelligence.
The problem with this project, a synoptic history of the culture of ABC No Rio in one tiny room, is that it can’t be true. To be true it would have to be Borgesian, a map the size of the territory, or years of Groundhog Days, whole lives lived over.
I can’t blame those guys for bailing out. It’s reasonable that no artist would want any part of constructing histories. Diogenes’ lamp is a heavy burden.
The Duty to Organize
Still, in the settler English manner, we gotta and we gonna muddle through.
The walls of the exhibition are fairly pretty clear now. The show is about the place, the building, what we wanted and what we got. And all that went on there. As I learned during researches in Andrea Callard’s Colab files, there was disagreement within our late ‘70s Colab group about having a space, a place to do shows and mount projects. Even then the burden of maintenance was viewed by many as a distraction from the job of creation and making art.
In the end, after the “Real Estate Show” occupation of one ideal space for artists to work in – which we couldn’t have, they said, I guess because it was better to become an enormous luxury shopping center which it is today – the City of New York gave us a vacant rundown storefront. And so it all began….
The artist activists who took over in the place we started and called ABC No Rio went through a similar crisis in the later ‘80s. They were the third wave of users. Under heavy pressure from the City to take back the building that had been so unwisely ceded years before, a bunch of ABC folks decided to pack up and leave.
We’re Out of Here
Thus began the caravan phase of ex cathedra ABC history, in which a band of folks toured around the region bringing their punkified creative presences to the people. A sort of Magical Mystery Tour for the Reagan era, an adventure experiment in chaosmosis, vaguely alluded to in Fly’s 1998 book Chronic Riot Spasm from Autonomedia.
The local punks back home, however, the Loisaiders, didn’t want to let go of the only venue they had for making noise and moshing. So they held on…
Soon the 156 Rivington building was squatted. “No, we won’t leave.” Don’t care about your court order. That made eviction a serious project for the City during a time when there were a good score of similar squatted buildings throughout the Lower East Side.
We The People Won’t Go sign on a Lower East Side squat c/o Amy Starecheski (at
Then Steven Englander came in (came back, actually), an experienced squatter “war leader”. I remember walking into the place during those days. Steven was sitting in the front room with Frank Morales and Seth Tobocman. All of them had taken arrests during building defense actions. It was an intense meeting.
Thanks to Resistance, ABC Is Still Here...
It would be great if cities allowed their citizens to take constructive actions to better their circumstances, to gather, to hang out, to make art, music, culture, in places and times of their choosing. Even better if they could be allowed to improve their basic living conditions by themselves and with each other. But the urban worlds of neoliberal capitalism are not Who-ville. Control must be maintained, control by law and control by dollars.
Struggle, and Incredible Persistence…
Not always. And not in the case of ABC No Rio. But money will have its way. The building was decrepit. To be in the basement during the “punk matinees”, when hardcore music by some band from out of town was playing upstairs, and the floor was literally bouncing up and down was architecturally educational.
The floor of ABC No Rio, in a photo on the Wikipedia page. As I recall, it was painted by Vandana Jain.
In ‘97 the City said, “You can have the building, but you have to fix it.” And so began the “long march” through the halls of capital, the raising of the money to – well, the building could not be fixed. It had to be torn down and rebuilt – keep ABC No Rio an alive thing.
A capital campaign is an entirely different animal than organizing to fight the cops on the street. But Steven managed it, bringing the long-standing, long-suffering, incredible anti-institution he was leading to the point of reconstruction.
A Great Story
That’s a great story, and it has been often told. Most recently and most lucidly in architect Nandini Bagchee’s text Counter Institutions: Activist Estates of the Lower East Side (2018).
There is a museum in NYC dedicated to that period, when squatters tried/failed/succeeded to hang onto homes for themselves and spaces for culture in the Lower East Side, and gardeners fought to hold their flowering plots in vacant lots. It’s called MoRUS – the Museum of Reclaimed Urban Space.
MoRUS has a permanent display commemorating that resistance, and the Critical Mass bicycle organizing, which led Mayor Bloomberg to finally make NYC bike-friendly like so many European capitals.
Around the corner from MoRUS, at East 9th Street and Avenue C is La Plaza Cultural, a large open community garden named for Armando Perez, one of the CHARAS group which ran the nearby boarded-up public school that was once a major Loisaida social center – El Bohio.
Lash LaRue Mayor Rudy succeeded in putting the Big Kabosh on that place in ‘01. Debilitated DeBlasio didn’t dare to bring it back. And Adams… well. So Loisaida’s biggest public cultural center has been empty all these years. And ABC No Rio has been raising money all these years.
A Hopeless Task
But it’s only part of the story we seek to tell in April at the Emily Harvey Foundation. What woke me up so early this morning was hearing in my mind’s ear the soundscape of those days, the water pouring into the bucket from the broken plumbing in the earliest days, the junkies breaking the wall to get in (actually, we didn’t hear that), and squabbling over drugs in the hallway. The COMA jams of aleatory sounds, the poetry of Amiri Baraka and Miguel Piñero. Food Not Bombs banging pots and pans. Sweeping, shoveling, cleaning up beer bottles. Keys clicking in the computer lab and the zine library. Winchester Chimes’ rhyming declamations at Matthew Courtney’s open mic. Punk thrash from Washington, D.C. Musicians setting up and breaking down. Artists taking a look and taking notes. Curious internationals wandering by. “Can we come in?” The silence of the house cat moving through the hallways.
It’s too much to show, but we’ll try. It’s too late to back out now.
“ABC No Rio 45 Years” at the Emily Harvey Foundation, 537 Broadway, 2nd Floor April 2025
ABC No Rio history on WikiP
Museum of Reclaimed Urban Space
Around the corner at East 9th Street and Avenue C is La Plaza Cultural
“Squatters of the Lower East Side” (2019) on 99percent Invisible website
Audio of 22 minutes; text and photos
Producer Delaney Hall spoke with Dr. Amy Starecheski, author of "Ours to Lose: When Squatters Became Homeowners in New York City". The episode also featured oral history interviews, conducted by Amy Starecheski, with former squatters Maggie Wrigley and Peter Spagnuolo. Thanks to Paul DeRienzo for recordings of the 1988 Tompkins Square Park riot and to WNYC for additional archival tape. Thanks also to Dr. Alexander Vasudevan, author of The Autonomous City.
This is the wall, broken up by doors and openings, which awaits this part of the story to be shown
Sunday, January 12, 2025
"ABC No Rio 45 Years", April 2025
The ass end of history; the infamous toilet at 156 Rivington. Photo by Jade Doskow
One of these annoying Facebook groups specializing in NYC "back in the day" photo nostalgia posted this snapshot of a white girl, a brown boy, and a black boy on a stoop in the East Village with an awkwardly painted "SAMO©" tag on the door behind them.
Naturally I asked Al Diaz, the other half of SAMO if that was him and Jean-Michel when they were kids. "No," he replied; some people even asked him if the white girl was Madonna.
Hundreds and thousands of folks are prompted every day to look back on the days when celebrities, great and small, walked among them. Before their elevation into the mediatic stratosphere, the gods of modern times were like you and me. They hung out on the stoop of your neighborhood.
Being in art and making culture means trucking in fame. That’s the shiny gold star on the top of tree. If you don’t grab hold of it, maybe you get to be one of the lower ornaments. And if you don’t get even that, you might quit. Or you might just keep on for the love of the life.
And You Don’t Stop
NOT Jean-Michel Basquiat and Al Diaz, his co-conspirator in the SAMO graffiti campaign. And also NOT Madonna! (Photo by John Maher)
Keep on trucking, keep on keeping on – this is what we did back then. We did our thing, got together with friends, opened places to do it together. This, rather than the brass ring, was a kind of utopia, a terrain of possible actualities in the ‘meat world’, when celebrity was made on printed paper and on TV. (Both of which we did, as ‘underground’ magazines and cable TV.)
Now, a bunch of us are launching a project of remembrance around the Lower East Side of 1980 and after. That’s “ABC No Rio 45 Years”, which kicks off at the Emily Harvey Foundation space in Soho during the month of April, 2025.
ABC No Rio, as you may know, is a collectively-run nonprofit arts organization on the Lower East Side of NYC, running on Rivington Street. It's had several generations of leaders and key players, both artists and activists.
We are planning this show now. It’s a process of drawing together people from multiple generations, with very different perspectives on their experiences and what they mean.
Jean-Michel Basquiat Did Not Sleep Here*
For some striving young artists in the 1980s, ABC was a stop on their fast tour of the alternative art world, a flashing self-launched star place boot-strapping in a Latin American neighborhood.
ABC No Rio has an art collection which we will mine for exhibits. There’s work by Keith Haring, Richard Hambleton, Jenny Holzer, Kiki Smith, and many more established artists. Some of them played organizing roles at No Rio, and others have been steady friends of the place.
Could Call it “GayBC”
ABC’s next stop on the fast moving train of NYC sub- and counter-culture was the dynamic grounded queer art and performance scene generated by the crowd around Jack Waters and Peter Cramer, Matthew Courtney’s “Open Mic”, and other refugees from the Pyramid Club.
The angry young kids moved in during the ‘90s to mosh and thrash as the ABC punk music collective took over management of the decrepit building. ABC became a legendary venue in the international hardcore punk music circuit, and soon a key node in the anarchist squatting movement on the Lower East Side.
This radical history is recalled today in the MoRUS (Museum of Reclaimed Urban Space), an unofficial partner in the “ABC 45” exhibition. Activists from No Rio were part of the crowd facing off the cops as the police tank they called “Little Rudy” after our own Lash LaRue city mayor, moved on the squats of 13th street.
“Squat or Rot”
ABCers fought for their own building, which was squatted by then, and surprisingly acquired rights to it in 2006. Immediately thereafter began the long arduous trail of fund-raising under the steady hand of Steven Englander.
All those years the music roared on. The poets and singers declaimed. Artists celebrated collaboration, international networks, and the radical causes they held dear.
In 2016, the building at 156 Rivington Street came down. Fly bottled the rubble as artistic therapeuticals. Today the long-for new building is at last under construction.
Those few coming weeks in April will be a rare opportunity for as many who care to, as many who can stand to do it, to face up to it, to share their truths, their dreams so fondly remember or so rudely dashed.
Social media is littered with obituaries, ephemeral pixel memorials to friends, lovers, comrades, colleagues, gone who mattered to us. A few words, a “care” emoji, and on we go into our own darkness.
I fell upon one today looking at this photograph from our 1985 book. That’s Marc Brasz, who was a link then between ABC No Rio and Fashion Moda when both were new. “The Moda” was the South Bronx art space that played a vital role in the art and culture of NYC. Marc Brasz was an artist and jazz aficionado from New Orleans, who certainly hung out with Juma Santos, who was running Fashion Moda after founder Stefan Eins moved on.
The crowd at Marc Brasz’ show at ABC No Rio in 1981. Left to right, Delano Greenidge; ?; Fiona Templeton; ?; ?; (below her) Jody Culkin (?); Kevin Wendall; Franz Vila. Paintings by Marc Brasz.(Photo by Lisa Kahane; posted at
Stefan at one point had the money to make a book like ours, ABC No Rio Dinero, but he spent it on something else. The pieces, which are many, shiny and varied, have yet to be picked up.
Like everyone, artists pass will. They leave behind in their work a shimmering hole, an outline of the kind of life they loved and lived for. We shall gather this spring for ghost dance and an augury of the future. You may want to join us. It will be fun – and a challenge for the young folks too.
* Yes, No, Jean-Michel didn’t come to No Rio, so far as we know. But he did participate in Colab’s Times Square Show in the summer of 1980, both as "SAMO©" and with his first exhibited painting. Colab produced the Real Estate Show, and supported ABC No Rio for the first couple of years.
Marc Brasz, "Portrait of Noc" (@noc167) from "fashion moda: 35 years later" at
125 Delancey Street, the occupation that began it all in 1979
Our German friend, Peter Moennig, out front of the "Real Estate Show"
Friday, November 22, 2024
Bibliomania at the Mira Look Fair
"What Problems Can Artist Publishers Solve?"
This Half Letter Press book was translated and published in Spanish by the Martin Wong Fund, Solo Foundation. It was premiered at Mira Look Books in Madrid.
This post is a report on the recent Mira Look Books fair in Madrid. Your blogger sits with his pubs and others as an Anglo leftie in a fair full of other Americans from Spanish-speaking countries. Things to think about while twiddling one’s thumbs.
Right now I am sitting at home with a cast on my broken leg, downloading zines to print out for the 22nd Madrid anarchist book fair in early December (6, 7 & 8 at La Prospe popular school // #encuentrodellibroanarquistamad).
Like last year, I have a position there. (I blogged my 2023 experiences here.) So I’m trying to get a good selection of printed matter together.
With the help of a shipment of books from Minor Compositions, desperately wrangled from Spanish customs, my setup at October’s @MiraLookBooks fair in central Madrid was fairly ample. Anglophone theory and radical books may not have many customers in the Spanish capitol – (which is why mainstream Anglophone distributors ignore the Peninsula entirely) – but methinks it’s important to show the flag.
RU Confusing Art and/or/with Politics?
Mira Look is an art book fair, so I’m posting about it on “Art Gangs”. Increasingly “Art Gangs” content is converging with my “Occupations & Properties” blog on squatting, as you’ll see below. My schizo-studies is becoming contemporary reality.
So an Anglo is showing the flag, eh? It’s a lot of work just for that. How did this mania for book fairs begin? Never mind. I’ll just tell what happened.
Bibliophilic Solidarity: A Book Fair Journal
Friday, 25 October – I’m set up at the Mira Look Books fair at last. It was a struggle to get here as I broke an ankle earlier in the week. But with the help of my partner we trucked all the books, zines and table furniture to the fair.
Getting the books from the UK was another saga. Those from the USA still haven’t arrived after over a month in transit. (Getting material shipped from the colonies, is worse than it’s been since the 17th century.)
Blanca gave me a great position, directly in front of the main entrance. Things were slow at first. Very few folks. Only two conversations. As in a bookstore, readers accrue one by one. This seems a terribly laborious way to gather them. At 3:30pm, a post-lunch crowd at last drifts in. It’s a strain, sitting hour upon hour with the my leg propped up under the table. But it’s certainly a way to get some reading done!
I dug into the recent Cindy Milstein anthology, Deciding for Ourselves: The Promise of Direct Democracy. It’s quite informative on self-organized projects, occupations and the like.
A herd of young girls passes. I am a type of elderly spectacle.
The institutional exhibitors were on the terrace above us. I hobbled up there on my crutch and found a catalogue of action photos of the Grupo Zaj, a Fluxus-affiliated group which performed in Spain during the Franco dictatorship. I was amazed when I learned of their existence, and that they had performed in courtyards and taverns in the town near Franco’s palace. The artist Esther Ferrer was a member of that group.
Esther Ferrer, El hilo del tiempo (the thread of time). 1978;
On a later foray I found a lovely catalogue of the Grupo de Callejeros who did escraches in the streets of Buenos Aires against retired militaries who had directed the pogroms of leftists during the dictatorship. (47 has promised the same for the USA; “Pinochet Did Nothing Wrong” t-shirts feature among his supporters).
My neighbor in the tables is Rodrigo, an artist from Portugal. On the other side are artists from Peru, the Ediciones Valientes doing a good business in posters and zines. I faced an assembly of tables arranged in a square. Books from numerous Latin American publishers were displayed, many beautiful and intriguing things. A few folks in the center of the square did the selling for all of the consorted publishers.
Touch Don’t Touch
I love how the early evening visitors finger and flip the books. Many exhibitors don’t like that. Get greasy fingerprints on my limited edition, will you? But I’m happy to see people engage.
There is something profoundly relaxing.about watching crowds of people wandering through an art book fair. Most of the crowd is young. These days book fairs, zine fairs, all kinds of non-elite art and art-adjacent events are immensely popular and growing.
I enjoy the dance of glances with individuals. Do I engage with a comment? Generally after a touch, a leafing-through, or of course a direct question. One gets better at judging after a day or so. If they touch, I talk.
Sometimes you can see that a person wants to browse in peace by the little flinch they show when you look at them as they approach.
If I talk, it’s usually about the books of my publisher Minor Compositions from UK. I announce: “All of the titles from this publisher are available on the website as downloadable PDFs. For free.” Maybe this doesn’t help sales? Well, sure, but sales are besides the point for me. Plus I know a lot of folks don't have money for the books they might want.
Cardboard Consciousness
I spent Thursday doing prep. I made little book stands out of folded cardboard. I hobbled to the photocopy shop to make signage, and wrapped up the books ready to go.
Saturday, owing to a demonstration on the main drag blocking traffic, the cab driver let me off at the top of the bookstall street at the end of Retiro Park. I had to crutch down several blocks to the fair, past the book stalls of the Cuesta de Moyano. Downhill, fortunately, but still not the best for the broken leg. I found Kerouac's Desolation Angels, which I hadn't read.
Folks Show Up
Almost immediately as I returned the new director of the Reina Sofia was at my table. We chatted about Martin Wong since he had run the CA2M museum where Martin’s retrospective made its first European stop. I gave him a copy of the humble zine we made, still the only publication on the artist in Spanish.
Sitting immobile behind a table, it was great to see friends and comrades appear. Eli Lorenzi showed up, and Antoine Henry-Jonquères appeared with his hyper-active little boy. The kid was finally distracted when Antoine put his film camera in his hands. Shortly thereafter a guy passed by with a film camera hanging from his neck, and a vinyl record under his arm. Time and date?
Begonia Santa-Cecilia came by. She was involved in Occupy Wall Street, and although I was gone from NYC by then, I know her and her partner Luis virtually from the 16 Beaver Group online assemblings.
Later that afternoon, the director of exhibitions for the Fundación Juan March came flying by and bought my memoir. I was stunned! It was the only sale….
They have a Saul Steinberg show up now, and when I’m a bit better I’ll rush over. He was Anton van Dalen’s mentor, and the artist I first loved as a child.
The Mysterious Second Floor
I knew that the PichiFest people were in the fair, but I had no idea where they were. (My main fault on the fair was the lack of signage.) The Pichis had just concluded a fair at ESLA Eko in Carabanchel. Sadly this year my leg issues kept me away. I participated in their last fair and blogged about it, plus did an interview with them on my other blog – although it as well belonged on this one.
Finally I realized the Pichis were on the 2nd floor, hidden away in what used to be the Medialab auditorium. That floor was the most crowded, with zinesters and other publishers all jammed together. The Pichis were right inside the door, all cartoon animals and talking flowers.
An octopus (pulpo) eating itself. This is a very funny image in Galicia.
Besides the Pichis I ran into Carlos Sanjuan holding down the #leeressexy (Reading Is Sexy) table. Carlos is in Malaga, and heworked to set up the printing facilities at the bookstore and multi-use space Suburbia. I was recently there for the INURA meeting.
Carlos is also closely involved with the beleaguered social center Casa Invisible. I’m hopeful we can make a publication about that, together with SqEK comrade Miguel Martinez.
Meet, greet, and cook up schemes is what these fairs are good for.
“Back to Your Post”
I gimped back down to where I had draped a Casa Invisible book bag over the chair. I was just in time to catch the guy from @Holaporque wandering the fair with a silkscreen setup on a cart offering to print a new cover for your periodical. I had brought the London Review of Books, and he inked it with the motto of the day. I’m looking forward to the arrests.
My newspaper stamped. Thank you, ICC!
A Fashion Parade
Every fair and its crowd has a different temperature. This one was very middle class. I saw almost no punks, and only two trannies. The fair was not so large that the visitors couldn’t take a good look at every post. Most of the browsers had only a casual interest in what they were seeing. (As a jaded pro, I tend to bomb in on only the things that interest me in a fair like this, and pass by everything else.)
Like all artistical events, many fashionable folks were drifting by. Some loud patterned costumes were paraded. Hooray for them! All props to the fashionistxs.
My favorite bookbag –
Afterword: Melancholia in La Serreria
It was fun, the Mira Look fair. Still there is a good deal of sadness for me to be in La Serreria Belga, yes, a former sawmill, but a building purpose-built for the Medialab Prado. That was an important center for collaborative media work, programming, innovative technology, and much more besides.
Ana Botella Serrano, Madrid's mayor from 2011-15, tried to close it during her term. (She was spouse of the radical right prime minister José María Aznar.) There was an international campaign to oppose that, and she backed off. I never understood it then, because Medialab Prado was such a clearly important think-tank and practical lab for technological progress. It was unique; it won European prizes.
The new mayor, José Luis Martínez-Almeida, elected without a popular vote majority in 2019, succeeded where Botella failed. The left electoralists split, of course; otherwise the center-left Manuela Carmena would have taken the position.
First Almeida evicted La Ingobernable, the social center across the plaza. That building, he promised would be several things – a library, a health center, a museum. Naturally it remains vacant.
Very shortly thereafter he came for the Medialab Prado. It was closed, its staffing skeletonized and moved outside of the center of Madrid. Now Medialab does pimping programs for AI in the Matadero, the Slaughterhouse.
I blogged on this in ‘21 as it was developing – (“Tearing It All Down: The Twilight of the Citizen Participation Movement in Madrid”), and there’s no reason to go into it again here.
It just makes me sad. While I always love to see beautiful things, provocative books, and the people who make and enjoy them wandering together in herds, I know I'm also walking over the glittering shards and bones of a lost future.
Grupo de Arte Callejero – "Aquí viven genocidas"
Lots online about them, but the exact book not yet
Mira Look art book fair
Grupo Zaj
“Martin Wong: Travesuras Maliciosas”
Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo, 2022
Suburbia, bookstore and multi-use space in Malaga
Entrevista a la Librería Suburbia
This Half Letter Press book was translated and published in Spanish by the Martin Wong Fund, Solo Foundation. It was premiered at Mira Look Books in Madrid.
This post is a report on the recent Mira Look Books fair in Madrid. Your blogger sits with his pubs and others as an Anglo leftie in a fair full of other Americans from Spanish-speaking countries. Things to think about while twiddling one’s thumbs.
Right now I am sitting at home with a cast on my broken leg, downloading zines to print out for the 22nd Madrid anarchist book fair in early December (6, 7 & 8 at La Prospe popular school // #encuentrodellibroanarquistamad).
Like last year, I have a position there. (I blogged my 2023 experiences here.) So I’m trying to get a good selection of printed matter together.
With the help of a shipment of books from Minor Compositions, desperately wrangled from Spanish customs, my setup at October’s @MiraLookBooks fair in central Madrid was fairly ample. Anglophone theory and radical books may not have many customers in the Spanish capitol – (which is why mainstream Anglophone distributors ignore the Peninsula entirely) – but methinks it’s important to show the flag.
RU Confusing Art and/or/with Politics?
Mira Look is an art book fair, so I’m posting about it on “Art Gangs”. Increasingly “Art Gangs” content is converging with my “Occupations & Properties” blog on squatting, as you’ll see below. My schizo-studies is becoming contemporary reality.
So an Anglo is showing the flag, eh? It’s a lot of work just for that. How did this mania for book fairs begin? Never mind. I’ll just tell what happened.
Bibliophilic Solidarity: A Book Fair Journal
Friday, 25 October – I’m set up at the Mira Look Books fair at last. It was a struggle to get here as I broke an ankle earlier in the week. But with the help of my partner we trucked all the books, zines and table furniture to the fair.
Getting the books from the UK was another saga. Those from the USA still haven’t arrived after over a month in transit. (Getting material shipped from the colonies, is worse than it’s been since the 17th century.)
Blanca gave me a great position, directly in front of the main entrance. Things were slow at first. Very few folks. Only two conversations. As in a bookstore, readers accrue one by one. This seems a terribly laborious way to gather them. At 3:30pm, a post-lunch crowd at last drifts in. It’s a strain, sitting hour upon hour with the my leg propped up under the table. But it’s certainly a way to get some reading done!
I dug into the recent Cindy Milstein anthology, Deciding for Ourselves: The Promise of Direct Democracy. It’s quite informative on self-organized projects, occupations and the like.
A herd of young girls passes. I am a type of elderly spectacle.
The institutional exhibitors were on the terrace above us. I hobbled up there on my crutch and found a catalogue of action photos of the Grupo Zaj, a Fluxus-affiliated group which performed in Spain during the Franco dictatorship. I was amazed when I learned of their existence, and that they had performed in courtyards and taverns in the town near Franco’s palace. The artist Esther Ferrer was a member of that group.
Esther Ferrer, El hilo del tiempo (the thread of time). 1978;
On a later foray I found a lovely catalogue of the Grupo de Callejeros who did escraches in the streets of Buenos Aires against retired militaries who had directed the pogroms of leftists during the dictatorship. (47 has promised the same for the USA; “Pinochet Did Nothing Wrong” t-shirts feature among his supporters).
My neighbor in the tables is Rodrigo, an artist from Portugal. On the other side are artists from Peru, the Ediciones Valientes doing a good business in posters and zines. I faced an assembly of tables arranged in a square. Books from numerous Latin American publishers were displayed, many beautiful and intriguing things. A few folks in the center of the square did the selling for all of the consorted publishers.
Touch Don’t Touch
I love how the early evening visitors finger and flip the books. Many exhibitors don’t like that. Get greasy fingerprints on my limited edition, will you? But I’m happy to see people engage.
There is something profoundly relaxing.about watching crowds of people wandering through an art book fair. Most of the crowd is young. These days book fairs, zine fairs, all kinds of non-elite art and art-adjacent events are immensely popular and growing.
I enjoy the dance of glances with individuals. Do I engage with a comment? Generally after a touch, a leafing-through, or of course a direct question. One gets better at judging after a day or so. If they touch, I talk.
Sometimes you can see that a person wants to browse in peace by the little flinch they show when you look at them as they approach.
If I talk, it’s usually about the books of my publisher Minor Compositions from UK. I announce: “All of the titles from this publisher are available on the website as downloadable PDFs. For free.” Maybe this doesn’t help sales? Well, sure, but sales are besides the point for me. Plus I know a lot of folks don't have money for the books they might want.
Cardboard Consciousness
I spent Thursday doing prep. I made little book stands out of folded cardboard. I hobbled to the photocopy shop to make signage, and wrapped up the books ready to go.
Saturday, owing to a demonstration on the main drag blocking traffic, the cab driver let me off at the top of the bookstall street at the end of Retiro Park. I had to crutch down several blocks to the fair, past the book stalls of the Cuesta de Moyano. Downhill, fortunately, but still not the best for the broken leg. I found Kerouac's Desolation Angels, which I hadn't read.
Folks Show Up
Almost immediately as I returned the new director of the Reina Sofia was at my table. We chatted about Martin Wong since he had run the CA2M museum where Martin’s retrospective made its first European stop. I gave him a copy of the humble zine we made, still the only publication on the artist in Spanish.
Sitting immobile behind a table, it was great to see friends and comrades appear. Eli Lorenzi showed up, and Antoine Henry-Jonquères appeared with his hyper-active little boy. The kid was finally distracted when Antoine put his film camera in his hands. Shortly thereafter a guy passed by with a film camera hanging from his neck, and a vinyl record under his arm. Time and date?
Begonia Santa-Cecilia came by. She was involved in Occupy Wall Street, and although I was gone from NYC by then, I know her and her partner Luis virtually from the 16 Beaver Group online assemblings.
Later that afternoon, the director of exhibitions for the Fundación Juan March came flying by and bought my memoir. I was stunned! It was the only sale….
They have a Saul Steinberg show up now, and when I’m a bit better I’ll rush over. He was Anton van Dalen’s mentor, and the artist I first loved as a child.
The Mysterious Second Floor
I knew that the PichiFest people were in the fair, but I had no idea where they were. (My main fault on the fair was the lack of signage.) The Pichis had just concluded a fair at ESLA Eko in Carabanchel. Sadly this year my leg issues kept me away. I participated in their last fair and blogged about it, plus did an interview with them on my other blog – although it as well belonged on this one.
Finally I realized the Pichis were on the 2nd floor, hidden away in what used to be the Medialab auditorium. That floor was the most crowded, with zinesters and other publishers all jammed together. The Pichis were right inside the door, all cartoon animals and talking flowers.
An octopus (pulpo) eating itself. This is a very funny image in Galicia.
Besides the Pichis I ran into Carlos Sanjuan holding down the #leeressexy (Reading Is Sexy) table. Carlos is in Malaga, and heworked to set up the printing facilities at the bookstore and multi-use space Suburbia. I was recently there for the INURA meeting.
Carlos is also closely involved with the beleaguered social center Casa Invisible. I’m hopeful we can make a publication about that, together with SqEK comrade Miguel Martinez.
Meet, greet, and cook up schemes is what these fairs are good for.
“Back to Your Post”
I gimped back down to where I had draped a Casa Invisible book bag over the chair. I was just in time to catch the guy from @Holaporque wandering the fair with a silkscreen setup on a cart offering to print a new cover for your periodical. I had brought the London Review of Books, and he inked it with the motto of the day. I’m looking forward to the arrests.
My newspaper stamped. Thank you, ICC!
A Fashion Parade
Every fair and its crowd has a different temperature. This one was very middle class. I saw almost no punks, and only two trannies. The fair was not so large that the visitors couldn’t take a good look at every post. Most of the browsers had only a casual interest in what they were seeing. (As a jaded pro, I tend to bomb in on only the things that interest me in a fair like this, and pass by everything else.)
Like all artistical events, many fashionable folks were drifting by. Some loud patterned costumes were paraded. Hooray for them! All props to the fashionistxs.
My favorite bookbag –
Afterword: Melancholia in La Serreria
It was fun, the Mira Look fair. Still there is a good deal of sadness for me to be in La Serreria Belga, yes, a former sawmill, but a building purpose-built for the Medialab Prado. That was an important center for collaborative media work, programming, innovative technology, and much more besides.
Ana Botella Serrano, Madrid's mayor from 2011-15, tried to close it during her term. (She was spouse of the radical right prime minister José María Aznar.) There was an international campaign to oppose that, and she backed off. I never understood it then, because Medialab Prado was such a clearly important think-tank and practical lab for technological progress. It was unique; it won European prizes.
The new mayor, José Luis Martínez-Almeida, elected without a popular vote majority in 2019, succeeded where Botella failed. The left electoralists split, of course; otherwise the center-left Manuela Carmena would have taken the position.
First Almeida evicted La Ingobernable, the social center across the plaza. That building, he promised would be several things – a library, a health center, a museum. Naturally it remains vacant.
Very shortly thereafter he came for the Medialab Prado. It was closed, its staffing skeletonized and moved outside of the center of Madrid. Now Medialab does pimping programs for AI in the Matadero, the Slaughterhouse.
I blogged on this in ‘21 as it was developing – (“Tearing It All Down: The Twilight of the Citizen Participation Movement in Madrid”), and there’s no reason to go into it again here.
It just makes me sad. While I always love to see beautiful things, provocative books, and the people who make and enjoy them wandering together in herds, I know I'm also walking over the glittering shards and bones of a lost future.
Grupo de Arte Callejero – "Aquí viven genocidas"
Lots online about them, but the exact book not yet
Mira Look art book fair
Grupo Zaj
“Martin Wong: Travesuras Maliciosas”
Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo, 2022
Suburbia, bookstore and multi-use space in Malaga
Entrevista a la Librería Suburbia
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